AWUG (Original Tastes Sunda)


AWUG (Original Tastes Sunda)

Pasundan not only known for its natural beauty and hospitality of its people, and when it comes to culinary diversity is also no doubt, because of West Java is rich in unique culinary diversity. Even later Sundanese traditional food much sought after . One of the traditional Sundanese food, which until now still look for is awug. Food is included in the snack, and usually enjoyed by the Sundanese community at a time when  relax with a glass of hot tea will taste better.

Once cooked, awug was finished, and then cut into small pieces and sprinkled with grated coconut. The most fitting Awug enjoyed when still warm, because awug texture will be slightly hardened.

In Bandung, there is one place awug sales were so famous, his name Awug Cibeunying Rice, located in Jalan A Yani, Cibeunying, Bandung. Awug at the venue sold, and sold in a manner wrapped in cardboard. One pack valued Rp 6,000.

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